
About, and rules of the blog

Hello, and welcome.

This blog is primarily meant as a hub for sharing my artwork, writings, and whatever else I might do.
Discussions about any of it are both welcome and encouraged(in fact, I'd prefer such to happen here, as opposed to wherever else you might have come across my work).

Adult imagery/content is likely to be censored and/or amended within this blog; though links for corresponding uncensored/complete works are also likely to be provided within respective posts.
All of my own links for sharing files will lead exclusively to my Google-Drive, so safety is assured.

Some basic guidelines for posting here:

- Try, if possible, to post comments in the comment sections relevant to the particular subject you're discussing.
- Be polite. On principle, I am unlikely to censor anything, but deliberate belligerence will be barred.

Finally, if you would like to tell or ask me something you don't want to share here, feel free to send me an e-mail at: TheAmphioxus33@gmail.com.

That's about it. 

I hope you'll enjoy your time on this blog.

(The content of this post is subject to updates and changes in the future.)

Wonder Woman & Krypto - Afterpaty minicomic page 3 released.

 Uncensored/larger versions for supporters.